When I was younger, about the time I started high school, I was really pushed to start thinking about what I wanted to do with my life. I thought about going into the medical field, so I took classes that would help me learn more about it starting my sophmore year. Around my junior year, I started taking photography classes because my friend said I should just so we could have an easy class together. Turns out, I became interested in it a lot. I mean come one, I was a teenager and teenagers like to take picture of theirselves! It wasn't anything serious, just fun. Once senior year rolled around, I was hesitant about going into the medical field because I wasn't sure if it was the right thing for me. I was really good at it and I knew a lot so it just became the safe and responsible thing to do. This year was very rough for me because I had one friend at school. Outside of school, I had plenty but I just didn't connect with anyone in school so I stayed to myself most of the time. My photography was a way for me to deal with all the pressures of finding a college to go to, our senior year projects, and all the catty girls I had to deal with. It quickly turned into a hobby that I was extremely passionate about.
After I had graduated, I got caught up in a relationship that wasn't really good for me. I strayed from what I was passionate about and I didn't go to college. Although I wanted to, I just didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life at that point (medical field was out at this point). Almost a year later, I decided to go to photography school online and that was probably the worst mistake of my life because I didn't learn anything and it left me with debt that I needed to pay back. Crap. I was at a bad point in my life and taking pictures just became less fun and I just could not, for the life of me, get it right. The passion had subsided and I was left with nothing. So I quite school and became a wife to a man that I was not happy with. Half a year later, I left and decided that, no matter what, I was going to selfishly do what I want and be happy. The next year was spent working part-time and paying bills.
All I know right now is that reading these blogs has made me happy and that passion that I had for photography is flowing into all these creative things like blogging, writing, fashion, and design. Basically, anything that I can create and be able to express myself. I never considered myself good by any means but I know that I need to practice. Picking up a camera again has been difficult because I'm kind of self-concious about myself. But, this blog is going to help me with that.
I'm in Portland now, still not really knowing what I want to do with my life but maybe if I just do what makes me happy, I'll find it. Life is a learning process and that's what I'm going to do.
This is what this little blog thing is about. Meeting and connecting with new people and bloggers, becoming inspired by everyone and everything. Explore out of my shell a little bit, do more creative things and take more pictures of my daily life. Explore my personal style and personal beliefs. Not to mention, it keeps my family back home updated on what I'm doing.
So, whoever is reading this, my name is Leah and I would love to meet you. Please say Hi. :)
By the way, the above pictures are from an adventure on Hawthorne Street with my friends Katie and Michelle. They are great and we explored thrift stores, ate crepes, and bought new music.